Loan only
Cachriph Zuhri 15.1hh black leopard stallion. 11 years old and his genetics are EEaa Lplp PATN1/n. Meaning he will never produce a red based foal and pass on LP and/or PATN1 50% of the time.
Harley is a kind, gentle and well mannered stallion. He stables next to other horses and preferes company. He lives out 24/7 all year round with his mares and foals. Harley plays an integral part of the foals up bringing, playing and babysitting the foals even those who genetically aren't his own. He is broken to ride but has very low milage so i class him as still green. Harley has been shown since a yearling and knows his job in the show ring winning many championships. He really does pass on his kind trainable temperement to his foals.
I would like Harley to go to a home who will treat him as their own. He must not be stabled full time he must have minimum of daily turn out with another horse. He is not used to living a solitary life as a stallion.
He coveres naturally running with his mares i have covered in hand once or twice so this is something im sure he would be fine with too.
Contact: Viki Oliver (North East) for more info 07879 827833 or by Facebook Message
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