Inhand & Performance

In Hand & Performance Schemes

If you wish to enrol in the scheme online, then please answer the following questions and then don't forget to press the 'Submit' button.  The form will then be forwarded to the co-ordinatior for her records - Thank You

Privacy: The British Appaloosa Society takes your privacy seriously.  The information you provide to us when enroling into any scheme will be kept secure and used purely to enable your participation in the scheme and to publish results to the Newsletter and website.  It will not be retained for any other purpose and erased  at conclusion of the scheme(s). By signing up you agree to results and any photographs you supply to be published to the website and in the Newsletter.

Liability Disclaimer: The British Appaloosa Society shall in no way be liable in respect of any damage to persons, horse or property of any kind, however it may be caused. It is an express condition of entry that each competitor shall hold the British Appaloosa Society blameless, and that he or she shall indemnify the British Appaloosa Society against any legal proceedings, actions, expenses, cost claims, demands or damages whatsoever arising from any accident or other incident which may occur.




1.   The competition runs from 1 February until 31 January

2.    All horses must be registered with BApS and the owner must to be a current member of the society

3.    Any horse sold during the competition year may have the points transferred into the new owner.

4.    BApS reserves the right to disqualify any member/rider who does not adhere to the rules of the competition

5.    No backdating of results allowed prior to entry being accepted. Starting date will be recorded in the logbook.

6.    All results must be countersigned by a show representative.

In Hand Competition

Open to all horses Main & Partbred (including solids) any age/sex

Performance Competition

Open to horses Main & Partbred (including solids) 4 yrs & over (3yrs for Western/Driving) any age/sex.

The above information will be listed on the score card you will receive on enrolment

Completed cards MUST be returned by 15th Feb to:

Carol Wood. 9 Wikegate Road, Thorne, Doncaster DN8 5PH

By clicking on the 'Join' Button you agree to abide by the rules of the scheme


In Hand
Both Schemes
I agree
I do not agree
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