Welcome to the Notice Board
 This page is intended to update members and non-members with information that Council feel needs to be circulated in between Newsletters
                                                                 so please come back often and check for updates. Thank you 

2025 AGM confirmed as being at The Bramham Village Hall, Church Hill, Bramham, Wetherby. LS23 6QF

19 November 2024 -

BEF and member bodies monitoring EHV reports in France – extra vigilance required

British Equestrian and our member bodies are currently monitoring a reported outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1 - neurological form) in France with cases potentially linked to the Le Mans venue. While this is an evolving situation and we await official confirmation, all members of the equestrian community who have recently been to, are currently in or intending to travel to/through France should be extra vigilant at this time. Please seek veterinary advice before travel and isolate any returning horses as per the quarantine protocols.

Member bodies will be in direct contact with any riders they believe may be impacted but the overarching advice is:

1) Horses linked to the event and associated venues returning to UK should

undertake quarantine protocols under two options:

  • a. slow track (21 28 days quarantine with clinical monitoring and testing if EHV signs suspected)
  • b. fast track using paired swab and blood testing at least 10 days apart with clinical monitoring.

2) Heightened awareness for all horses returning to UK from France or transiting through the country into Europe or returning with reference to appropriate advisories on EHV as below.

EHV-1 is an air-borne disease that can be transmitted up to five metres via coughing, but also through direct contact, via people and shared equipment. It can cause respiratory and neurological signs, abortion in pregnant mares and death of young foals.

Please see the British Equestrian web page or the below information sheets for further information:

BEF – (link to BEF EHV info sheet.pdf)

EIDS – (link to EIDS: EHV the ever present threat)

FEI – (link to Equine%20Herpes%20Virus_0[1].pdf)

The biosecurity page on our website also has key information the help mitigate the risk.

We will continue to follow developments in France via our Equine Infectious Disease Advisory Group and work with member bodies to update any advice accordingly.

APRIL 2024 - It has been a very long time since we last had to consider any increase in prices for some of our registration processes but in the last 12 months we have carried the cost of several postal increases and further increased pricing of  paper, covers, ink etc.  Now with the latest stamp increases, we have no option but to increase some of our fees slightly from the beginning of April 2024 but even so, we still remain very competitively priced.

Thank you for understanding

2024 AGM confirmed at Kilsby Village Hall on Sunday 28th April.  Open to all current members of the Society

2024 BREED SHOWS - Both 2024 Breed shows have now been confirmed.

The Northern Show, again at Bishop Burton College near Hull will be on Sunday 16th June 2024

The National Breed Show, again at Hartpury College, Gloucestershire will be on Sunday 18th August 2024

Royal Windsor Classes also confirmed for Sunday 5th May

Durham County Show classes confirmed 6/7th July

Summer 2023 Shop Stock

As from June 2023 we have a new member running the merchandise shop.  Whe have added new stock to our already varied lines and the shop will be at our National show in August.  We now have various colour T shirts, fully embroidered with the Union Jack head logo and a selection of other t shirts with bright glitter designs to choose from. These can even be personalised with a stud or horse name as a special order by request. Great Christmas present ideas that will be updated on this website once the National show is over


At the 2022 AGM it was agreed and voted on, to split the Part Bred register into two sections.  The standard APB (Appendix Part Bred) which caters for part bred animals being registered under the grandparent rule, ie with one grandparent registered in our main register) Traditionally for some years the Society has not accepted registration for animals that fulfil this critieria but are born Tobiano, Pintaloosa, grey or of heavy draft type etc.  The new section is called the Supplementary Part Bred Register (SPB) and is now catering for these animals.  The only difference to our normal part bred status, is that these animals cannot be shown at Breed or shows affiliated to the Society unless they have a specific class provided for them.


Spring 2022 with immediate effect

All applications to register an appaloosa or part bred must include an extra photograph of the foal suckling it's dam. Please read the instructions page on the application form carefully before applying for registration

Membership Price Increase from 1st January 2021

The British Appaloosa Society has not increased membership prices for approaching 15 years now.
As external costs have increased, the Society has chosen to suck them up and left our Membership fees at £20 etc for the full rolling year, which includes four good Newsletters and many other benefits.
We can no longer continue to bear the burden and therefore sadly there will be a £5 price increase across the board for New membership, beginning in the New Year. This means that at first joining (which includes your membership pack/folder, badge and car sticker) the initial joining fees will be:
Single Senior Membership £25
Senior + Senior membership £35
Full Family Membership £40
Junior or Student Membership £15
Joint Senior + Junior membership £30
Trying to be as fair as we can to our long-standing members and to anyone renewing promptly, we are prepared to leave the status quo. 
Therefore, moving forward from 1st January 2021, all prompt renewals made by Standing Order/Direct Debit or made in any other way that fall within 30 days of your renewal date, will all remain at the old rate. There will be no increase of fees for timely renewal.
Anyone leaving their renewal beyond 30 days of expiry will be expected to incur the increased membership fees.  
We feel this is the fairest way for the Society to proceed and offers an encouragement-reward to our members to renew on time.
For anyone that has already lapsed and intends renewing then you now have plenty of notice of the increased pricing after the year end. 
 Thank you for reading 


Sadly, following our latest Council meeting at the weekend, and in light of the continuing threat from the Corona Virus, we have now made the difficult decision to cancel both of our 2020 British Appaloosa Society Breed shows.
While we appreciate this is an unprecedented decision, we feel that we cannot put members, judges and our faithful volunteers at risk until the fear of this dreadful virus has subsided.
2021 will see in our 45th Sapphire Anniversary. Forty Five years in the creation of a British Appaloosa! So fear not! We WILL return to real showing with a vengeance next year and we promise our members that we will mark the auspicious occasion in the same way as we did our 40th.
Another milestone to celebrate and proudly enjoy our very own breed.
We hope you will come and make up for this year
We are also now turning our attention to holding our 2020 AGM online by video conference. Details will go into the July newsletter but basically we are aiming to hold it on what would have been the National Show day. That is, Sunday 23rd August 2020
We will be sending out invitations with a link to the Meeting so if you would like to join us then I will need an email address to eventually send the invite nearer to the time!
In the meantime we are trying to make membership as enjoyable as we can with the Special In Hand & Performance scheme, an already successful photo show: to be followed by a fun show shortly and then hopefully another serious online competition to help mark what would have been the National Show.
We are busy restocking the Society shop. Look out for our two brand new additional appaloosa clothing logos and new T shirt designs coming soon.
Lots going on to keep you entertained 🎊
🔸for and on behalf of BApS Council🔸
Onwards and Upwards. What doesn’t break us, makes us stronger 👏💪💪👊

Monday 16th March 2020

As a direct result of the Government announcement tonight, we have made the very difficult decision to cancel/postpone our 2020 Annual General Meeting and Stud Open Day which had been organised for Sunday 19thApril at Centaur Appaloosa Stud.
While we appreciate this is an unprecedented decision, we feel that we cannot put members and our hosts there at risk until the fear of this dreadful virus has subsided. If we are able to reinstate the AGM within 2020 we will do.
We are following the fast moving events as they unfold and we will make decisions regarding the show season when we have to, unless those decisions are taken out of our hands by the Government
Your Spring Newsletters have already gone out in the post announcing the AGM and before we could amend the situation. The accounts P&L is included in the Newsletter if anyone has any financial queries
Keep safe and keep positive everyone. We will attempt to provide updates as soon as we are able.
Paula Moore. For and on Behalf of BApS Council

BApS Membership Secretary

As of December 2019 the Society membership role is being covered by Mrs Penny Oliver 




This year we will be providing 'Cards of Merit' to agreed unaffiliated shows that are prepared to put on dedicated class(s) for spotted horses.  These cards are Credit card size, so easily stored.  They will be awarded to the highest placed BApS member and BApS registered horse combination.  Collect them and at the end of the season if you return what you have collected to the Society they will be replaced by a very nice commemorative rosette. The size and prestige to be reflected in how many cards of merit you have returned.  

No excuse not to get out to your local shows and start collecting our cards.  

If anyone would like us to consider including a show in this scheme them please contact any member of our Council. Thank you

January 2018 
As we are all aware the costs of showing are forever on the increase so going to lots of shows are out of the reach of many people so council have changed the points system to make it easier to acquire enough points to enable members to reach, at least the minimum amount required to win one of our gorgeous rosettes, so come on folks get your log books ready for the new showing season, forms are on the website, any problems please contact me.
Regards Carol   
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